Monday, December 16, 2019

Devotional 12-16-19

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel” (that is God is with us).  Isaiah 7:14 NIB

Isaiah’s prophecy was given in the seventh century BCE.  Although Isaiah was concerned with the political war of the Jewish people of his day, the early Christians, as well as the Christians of this present age, hear these words in Isaiah 7, as a promise from God.  Isaiah’s prophecy causes Christians to yearn for the birth of Immanuel – the one who is God, and who is with us.  ANTICIPATION

In the seventh century BCE, the Jewish world was in upheaval.  Politics, war, alliances, deceit – turmoil was rampant.  The people felt as if God had turned away from them, because of their behavior and their sin. They wanted to know that God was still with them.  They needed a sign to feel hopeful again.  ANTICIPATION

Our world seems strangely similar.  Politics, war, alliances, deceit – turmoil is still rampant.  We know now that we are the ones that turn away from God, and not the other way around.  However, we still want to know that God is with us.  We still need that sign, so we can feel hopeful as well.  ANTICIPATION

So hear these words of Isaiah 7:14 once again and remember that God sent His Son Jesus, - Immanuel – to remind us that God is with us, every second of every day of our life.  God’s light and love came to us in the form of a baby at Christmas. It was God’s concern for God’s people, and hope for us.


Rev. Suzanne Ellis

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