Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Devotional 12-10-19

alea iacta est

In 49BC Caesar was ordered back to Rome…and to NOT bring his army with him, to not cross the Rubicon River (then the northern border of Italy). As history records, he DID bring his army – the 13th legion - and DID cross the river. This was viewed by Rome as treason, insurrection and a declaration of war. Caesar, as the they marched across the shallow river was noted to have said, “alea iacta est” – the die is cast. And now in 2019 we know the phrase Crossing the Rubicon to mean having passed a point of no return.
Cortés arrived at the shore of the new world in 1519. As a statement of purpose and to motivate his men – he burned his ships. Burn the Ships > no turning back.

I cannot remember at any other point in my life such division over – EVERYTHING! Politics, religion, school, road construction, gun control, food and housing assistance, handling of drugs and users, a newly opened business; restaurant instead of a clothing store and to my utter confusion and dismay we are arguing on social media about a dag-gone hotdog at the football game… no matter the topic, there are two (or more) hard line opposing opinions with ZERO chance of acknowledging the other person’s view. It is US vs. THEM/ME vs. YOU. We jump into the fray, shout a defaming comment about the topic (person) and retreat. We don’t stay around to listen, understand and discuss. The river has not been crossed and the ship is waiting at the harbor to carry us away from any conviction.

An angel appeared to Mary and gave her news of unbelievable caliber. Her answer was not that of, oh they’ll never believe me, I’m busy. Choose someone else. Did she have enough time to weigh all the things that might be about to happen? We will never know. But what IS known is that her answer was to burn her ship! “Here I am, the servant of the Lord, let it be with me according to your word.” With the die cast, she returned to her village and her family.

Joseph also heard an angel’s story that had to be surreal. He had a plan > a compassionate plan but nonetheless a plan that would have distanced him from Mary. But no – ‘When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded.’ The river was crossed and there was no turning back.

As we stand at the door of the stable; is it just a place to go for Christmas presents? Do we go to the stable seeking confirmation of our own ideas? Do we go for permission to not like those that are different from us? As Christians, alea iacta est – it is time for us to have wet feet as we acknowledge that being Christ-like is an ‘all-in’ proposition. The point of no return.  Love God-Love your neighbor…PERIOD. Step up to the stable, step across the threshold and smell the charred wood behind you.

Steve Matthews

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