Saturday, December 14, 2019

Devotional 12-14-19

The Clock
I can NOT believe it is already Advent season.  Time just keeps ticking away.  The concept of time has always fascinated me.  A construct created and ordained by our heavenly Father (Gen 1: 14-18, Psalm 104:19, Dan 2:21, Acts 1:7,8).  It evokes different feelings inside us at various times in our lives.  We were not created to be finite beings, therefore, time is the enemy.  It’s either moving too slow or too fast.  Praise God he didn’t leave us in our fallen, finite state. Praise Him for appointing the perfect time, before the foundation of the world, He would enter into His creation by sending his beloved eternal Son to save His children.  There is no other more perfect gift.

James 1:17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

 As we celebrate the first Advent, we should remember His reason and purpose for coming.  Because we are fallen, finite humans stained with sin, He came to rescue and ransom those whom are His.  Praising and rejoicing that on the cross He defeated sin, death and time.  We eagerly await his second and final Advent when we’ll be united with Jesus, forever stopping the clock.

Jenny Matthews

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