Sunday, December 15, 2019

Devotional 12-15-19

Word of the Year
Psalm 146:5-10

My childhood friend Jan always adopts a “Word of the Year” – a mantra for her guidance and improvement over the coming year.  For 2019, her word was strength.  She worked on her physical, mental and spiritual strength.  Jan joined a fitness club and hired a trainer.  She has taken various classes and adventures to expand her mind.

Jan had ample opportunity to work on her spiritual strength this year.  Her mother was diagnosed with cancer and undertook chemo and radiation treatments at the same time, as that greatly improved her chances of beating the disease.  Unfortunately, the treatments made her very ill – so ill that she couldn’t eat and was unable to get out of bed.  She landed in the hospital and the doctors began to discuss various end of life options.  Jan, her family and friends all prayed.  And prayed. And prayed.  All of our spiritual strength was increased as we petitioned the Lord for healing and watched Him work a miracle.

Jan’s mom has greatly improved and continues to work on recovering her physical strength.  She’s progressed from needing a special lift to get out of bed to walking, relearning how to cook and working on doing things for herself.  She’s moved to an assisted living facility where she will gain enough strength to go back to her own home.  Her healing is a gift and a blessing from God!
During this Advent season, I’m re-focusing on gifts from God.  He so graciously provides us with strength, comfort and presence.  These all flow from God’s greatest gift – the love that came to earth in His Son.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gifts you provide each day and especially for the gift of your Son.  Help us find ways to share your love with those we meet each day.  Amen.

Shelly Shideler

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