Keeping Watch
Luke 2: 8 “And there were shepherds in the same country abiding in the field and keeping watch by night over their flock.”
There are a number of references in the Bible to shepherds and comforting images related to them. Yet the work of a shepherd was difficult and demanding, a lowly and lonely job. It required constant attention to provide grazing pastures by day, then keeping watch and protection from predators at night. It was to the shepherds that the angel of the Lord first appeared with joyous, “breaking news.”
A Savior for all people was born in the city of David, Christ the Lord. In Bethlehem, the city of David, the young mother Mary was keeping watch over the infant child born in a most humble setting. She, too, had been visited by an angel months before and learned that she was “highly favored,” chosen by God for an extraordinary purpose.
One of my most memorable childhood Christmas’ happened long ago when I was about eight years old. A kind woman named Sarah came several hours a week to our apartment to assist our mother with household tasks. She was probably about thirty years of age although she seemed older to me. As I recall she had four children. Her husband was a decent person when sober but it was another story when he squandered family resources on alcohol. One such episode happened several weeks before Christmas that year. My parents were concerned for Sarah and keeping watch over the situation as Christmas neared. They knew that if there would be any Christmas for Sarah’s family, we were called to provide it. While our mother handled most of the planning, each person in our family had a responsibility. Mine was to purchase a special gift for Sarah’s three-year-old daughter. I went to the toy department with some money I had saved but mostly money given to me for this gift. I purchased a doll. A few days later I realized that I had bought a gift I would like rather than one for Sarah’s young child. I asked my mother to take me back to the store. A gracious sales clerk greeted me. I told her why I was returning the gift and why I needed the money returned to me. “I can do that.” She seemed like an angel as she counted the dollar bills and coins in my hand. “Before your go, there is a doll I believe is what you want.” It was indeed, a baby doll perfect in every way. On the morning of Christmas Eve, we filled stockings with an apple, orange, candy canes and smaller gifts for each child. That evening we went as a family to Sarah’s home after her children were tucked into bed. She met us on her porch. When she saw the gifts and food, tears flowed down her face. Her only words were: “Thank you Lord, Jesus; thank you Lord, Jesus.” It seemed to me that we had been to Bethlehem that night.
And so, as we are keeping watch over usual responsibilities and extra tasks this Advent season, it is well to ponder where God may be calling us to share good news. As we respond to God’s leading, there is a word for the wise. Stay attentive, for you never know when you might meet an angel of the Lord.
Sue Darlington Woods
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