Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Devotional 12-2-09

First I must tell you this was not the original Advent devotional I set out to write. Life has a funny way of interrupting our best laid plans. And this is one of those times. I am in the midst of one of the most difficult trials of my life. The violent death of a loved one by his own hand. I'm in shock, I feel numb. It has cut me to the core.

Still I sense God’s mercy, and love all over me. And all around me. And this is my greatest blessing.

Advent marks the progression of the seasons. This is the season of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus. Advent serves as a duel reminder of the original waiting that was done by the Hebrews for the birth of their Messiah as well as the waiting Christians endure for the second coming of Christ.

"The waiting we endure.” It would be intolerable for me to wait without God’s love, his peace, his grace and his blessings.

Sometimes God’s blessings come with fireworks and excitement. But mostly I have found God’s tender mercies are small. Simple things one might overlook that are the most meaningful. And can only sprout from God’s mercy and love for us. For instance, a phone call out of the blue. A benign call that suddenly reminds you that you are loved beyond measure. An unexpected overnight visit form an adult child that senses your distress and in her quiet way lets her mother draw upon her strength. The unified prayers of a beloved church. A church family that has made themselves available to me in many instances. A heartfelt thank you for a kindness bestowed. So much more I can’t think of them all.

Yes all of this makes the wait for our Lord’s return not only tolerable but glorious.

Malachi 3:1-4 Speaks of standing in the refiners fire where we will be purified like gold and silver. I believe God will keep the best of what he has created in each one of us. And leave the dross to the refiners fire.

I’ll see you soon my friend. I love you.

Judith Wilburn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you. Thanks for the reminder that Gos is in the simple things.