Monday, December 24, 2007

Devotional 12-25-07

The day is finally here…the waiting is over. Our homes are decorated, our hearts have been softened, and we are ready to receive the Christ child. In the midst of our daily lives, we are called to pause on this day to reflect…to think…to imagine.

Think about the newness of a baby…the soft skin…the quiet, gentle noises that the child makes.

Think of the smells of that stable so long ago…the fresh cut hay…the presence of animals. There were visitors that night…the angels that sang…can you hear their Hosannas? The shepherds who wanted so much to see this little boy that they left their sheep, their livelihood there in the field to kneel at his manger.

Think of the innkeeper who without realizing it gave the King of Kings and Lord of Lords the first place on which to lay his head. Think of the Kings who left their land, not really know where they were to go…but these men had faith enough to follow the star.

Imagine yourself in his presence. See Mary, ever so gently holding onto him…rocking him back and forth. Loving eyes looking down on this little child…this miracle in your midst. See Joseph…the new father…staring in awe and wonder at this new child that he will help to raise.

Imagine if you will what it’s like on that evening so long ago. There were no noises of traffic…no real hustle and bustle of the holiday. You have entered a place where it seems that all time is standing still.

Come to that place…return to that place often. Not just on this night, but on nights to follow.

Calm yourself…quiet your thoughts…quiet your heart. Spend time in the Messiah’s midst. Hear his quiet cooing…see the sparkle in his eye.

Quiet your heart…quiet your mind…quiet your soul. This is the day we’ve all been waiting for…it’s finally here.

Rev. Carol McKay

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