Saturday, December 08, 2007

Devotional 12-9-07

People come to church for many different reasons. Our neighbors often come to our downtown church looking for help from the People of God. As Christians, our desire is to represent Christ to the world. How then, can we best respond to the one who asks for bread, or for a bus ticket, or for warm clothes? We can give them something to eat, and perhaps some warm clothes, or lead them to the agencies that can most efficiently provide the services they need. Sometimes, however, the need is represented as immediate, and we know that giving cash is not always the best solution; there is no way of knowing whether the recipient uses the money for the purpose intended? How can we respond faithfully and responsibly?

Envisioned as a way for the church to be caring stewards of the “least of these, our sisters and brothers, the Jim Ray Fund for Others was started to address these concerns. It provides a financial resource that can be utilized by a few key leaders in the church to help those with immediate needs for fuel, clothing, food, shelter, transportation. With oversight by the Outreach Committee, checks are written, whenever possible, directly to the institution. The initial deposited in the fund came from a dinner sponsored by the United Methodist Men to honor Jim Ray, a faithful follower of Jesus Christ who exemplifies a life of service to others. The dinner, called the “Bread of Life” dinner, was a surprise to Jim, and he describes it in the devotional that follows.

Scripture -- John 14:12-14: Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.

I was told the Bread of Life Luncheon was to help those who were in need of medicine, etc. Its real purpose came as a big surprise to me. In the past I’ve always known most everything that took place here at Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church. Might say this luncheon was more than a Bread of Life. It was a Jim Ray Luncheon. That’s what made it such a big surprise.

On Saturday, March 10th, I helped to prepare food, along with others who were helping out for this event. Later in the day, just about time for the staff and volunteers to leave, a man by the name of Jeff asked me to sit at one of the front tables on Sunday, March 11th which was the day of the actual event. That is, he wanted me to sit there as long as I was not to help in the Kitchen or serve the tables in the Social Hall.

On that Sunday I arrived at church around 7:30am and put the coffee on for the Sunday school class. Several people then came in around 8 a.m. as some of the food had to start cooking early. Around 11:55 a.m. people started arriving from church and it was not long until everyone was at the tables.

Jeff got up and welcomed everyone who was there. It was at this time that the choir chose to sing the hymn “Others,” which is a favorite hymn of mine. This hymn took me by complete surprise. I even tried to talk, but I could not as I was getting choked up. I was not alone in this as some other people had the same problem.

It was not very long after the luncheon until all of this was in the Huntington paper, and it even made a government magazine. There is no doubt that this was a great event. I really appreciate each one who came out to support this fund. I might add that I have received very supportive mail regarding this which means a lot to me.

The Lord has done wonders for me, and the Lord can do the same for others who call on His name for help.

Thanks to all of those who helped to surprise me.

Jim Ray

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