Monday, December 10, 2007

Devotional 12-11-07

Have you ever met anyone that you knew immediately was a Christian? I don't mean at church, I mean at work, or shopping-in your day to day life? I have met a few. It wasn't totally what they said or things that they did, although that was part of it. It was all a part of the loving attitude that they had. An attitude that gave them an aura that you could almost see and definitely could feel! An aura that came from God! How do I get that aura?
In the book God Is Closer Than We Think, by John Ortberg chapter 7 ends with a statement that really meant something to me.

"'In my Fathers house there are many rooms.' Jesus said. One of them was added on when you became his child. That one is yours, and no one else can ever occupy it. It is secret to you and him. It is your own private Sistine Chapel. It is furnished by every moment of intimacy and wonder and togetherness shared by you and your Father."

I have been teased all of my life about going off to "LaLa land." My mother asked me once where I went and after some thought, I told her "To my own little world!" She asked what it was like there and I thought a little more and told her it was very peaceful. I was in grade school at the time. Now I know where I go. I go to my own room! My God room! I can make it beautiful with the time I share with my Father. I can make it into my very own Sistine Chapel! And maybe, just maybe as I become more intimate with God, as my inner room becomes more beautiful I will reflect some of his love to others, and they will know immediately that I am a Christian. Lord let it be so! Amen.

Margaret Williams

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