Sunday, December 05, 2021

Devotional 12-5-21

 Scripture: Luke 3:1-6

It was a long-ago August afternoon and my children and I were returning home after a day at the pool. While the swimming was wonderful, we were now tired and hungry. It wasn’t long before the sounds of bickering came from the backseat. As the volume of the argument increased, I stopped them with my own tense plea. “Please, stop it! You two are giving me a headache!”

My daughter was immediately chastened and turned to her younger brother, saying “I’m sorry Daniel”. Daniel, mustering up all the indignation his 4-year-old self could express, replied “Oh, DON’T say that to me yet, Lydia. I’m not through being mad at you!”

I inwardly laughed and vowed to add that to my list of funny “Daniel sayings”. By dinner time, all was forgiven, and peace was restored. Over the years, I have remembered that moment many times. I thought Daniel’s reply was funny at the time, but I now view it differently. How often have I had trouble being through with anger, resentment or bitterness? How hard is it for us as adults to get through with our bad feelings over something that was said or done to us?

Too often forgiveness is withheld - even between members of a church family. I know of times when care was required to keep two people who didn’t get along from being placed on the same committee. Perhaps we all know of instances like that. Isn’t that sad? 

In today’s reading, John the Baptist is calling the people to “Prepare the way for the Lord”. I believe that one way we can prepare is to examine our hearts to see if we are carrying any bitterness, anger or resentment. Are we still mad with someone? Is there some past wrong that we need to forgive? If so, then perhaps it is time to ask God to help us get through with that. 

Yes, forgiving is often so very hard to do. But what better time than Advent to start that process. How can Christ truly be at home in our hearts when He must share it with our grudges? With prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I believe we can get through with being mad. We can make the Christ child’s path to us smooth and straight by emptying our hearts of bad feelings over past wrongs. 

Let us prepare to receive Christ’s love and light this Christmas by getting through with our anger, bitterness and resentment. Then may we be filled with His love and light, so that His love will shine out from us into all the world. 

Mary Sue Beam

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