Thursday, December 21, 2017

Devotional 12-21-17

’Tis the Season

 Please read Luke 1: 46B-55

This is the season of giving, celebrating God’s gift of Jesus to the world. What an amazing gift that was! God used Mary and in using her, He blessed her beyond her imagination. Mary celebrated that gift and all of God’s goodness in her song the “Magnificat.”

 How often do we celebrate God’s gifts to us? It is always so easy to forget how blessed we really are. It is especially easy at this time of year when we are overwhelmed with to do lists and rushing from one activity to another. The best gifts come from the heart and don’t necessarily involve money. They do often involve time. I know that’s in short supply right now, but that makes it that much more meaningful. This Christmas give God the gift of your time. Settle yourself and think of all the blessings in your life. Let the realization of God’s love for you permeate your whole being. Then go out and sing your own “Magnificat” by spreading God’s love to the world! Isn’t that the true meaning of the season—to spread God’s love?

Margaret Williams

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