Monday, December 24, 2018

Devotional 12-24-18

A child is born

Please read Isaiah 9:2-7

It was more than 2000 years ago, but every Christmas Eve, we are reminded of the birth of Jesus.

“For unto us a child is born…”
Our Savior had a humble beginning, and few were initially aware of the event. He was surrounded by God’s creatures who also found shelter in the stable. They, like Mary and Joseph, were the first to see this tiny baby “wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.”  Then shepherds came, and wise men travelled from afar, following a glowing star, to bring gifts for this newborn baby.

“…Unto us a son is given …”;
Many assumed this child was just an ordinary child, the son of Joseph and Mary. But Joseph and Mary—especially Mary, understood that this infant was special, for she had been told by God that this baby was His son, and she had been chosen to be his mother. Now she held him close.

“…And the government shall be upon his shoulder…”:
Little did Mary and Joseph know that as the baby boy grew, and became a young man, he would endure much criticism. He would be laughed at, scorned, ridiculed, and eventually judged to be a liar, an imposter, and a fake. But Jesus also had followers who loved him, respected him. They looked upon him as a kind and gentle man and teacher. His disciples dropped everything to follow him. Strangers who witnessed his miracles became believers. In the end, when he was crucified, his mother Mary wept. Others began thinking, maybe this is the Son of God! And yes! The word got out! Jesus was far more than anyone knew!

“Wonderful, Counselor…”
This became a powerful proclamation! The sorrow and fear after the crucifixion was gone!  Jesus was the victor! He had risen from the dead, and he briefly appeared to prove his presence and encourage the disciples to continue their work. With faith renewed and fear gone, the disciples prepared to do what Christ had asked of them. They began reaching out, traveling from one small town to the next, converting others to Christianity and helping groups of Christians who had gathered together in groups to establish their own church.

“…The mighty God, The everlasting Father, the Price of Peace.”
Christians rejoiced as knowledge expanded the identity of that baby born in Bethlehem. Prophets, ancestors, story participants and tellers whose experiences were preserved in the writings of the Holy Bible; Christ’s faithful followers during and following his life on earth; his disciples, the apostles, the members of the newly established Christian faith; and the generations over time who have accepted Jesus as their Savior, all learned, and still are learning:  Baby Jesus was and still is the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

Tonight, as we celebrate with joy and wonder, may we recognize the significance of Christ’s birth. May we acknowledge our blessings, but also recognize and remember those whose circumstances prevent them from feeling joy on this holy night.  May we deliver hope to them in some way, every day.

Diane Feaganes

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