Sunday, December 14, 2014

Devotional 12-14-14

Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

Lectionary Lessons:  Isaiah 61:1-11; Psalm 126; 1 Thessalonians5:16-24; & John 1:  6-8 & 19-28

There came a man who was sent from God:  his name was John.  He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe.  He himself was not the Light:  he came only as a witness to the Light.  The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.  John 1:  6-8  NIV

As I read the scripture readings for today, I was reminded of one of the first songs of the musical “Godspell” which was written by Stephen Swartz in 1970—“Prepare ye; The Way of the Lord”.  The musical is primarily based on scriptures from the gospel of Matthew.  We have very few verses in the gospels that tell of the life of John the Baptist.  By piecing the passages together from the gospels of Matthew, Luke and John, we know that John was a cousin of Jesus’.  John was the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah. Elizabeth had been considered “barren” and both of John’s parents were beyond a normal child bearing age. So because of the birth of John, many neighbors and friends identified John as a very special person.  They were in awe of the birth and asked:  ”What then is this child going to be? For the Lord’s hand was with him?  John was considered “special” and in God’s favor.  His father, Zechariah prophesied that John would become a prophet to go before the Lord to prepare the way for him.  John would shine a light in the darkness of the world.

John did indeed become a ‘Voice in the Wilderness’.  He called out to everyone who would listen to “Repent and Get Ready”—because there was one coming into the world who would actually be The Light of the World.  Many listened to him and were baptized in the Jordan River.  John was steadfast in his devotion to the task he had been given.  He denied that he was the Messiah or even a prophet whenever he was questioned by authorities.  He faithfully told his followers that they needed to be watchful, for Jesus would be coming soon.  His job was to “Prepare the Way” and that is exactly what he tried to do.

I am inspired by this review of John’s life and the holy task he fulfilled.  How can we learn to be more faithful with the tasks that God has asked of us?  How are we preparing for Christ’s birth this Advent season?  Paul urged the church at Thessalonica to “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”. (1Thess. 5:16-18)   These instructions seem like impossible tasks, to me.  I find that in this joyful season, my “to do” lists are long and my patience is frustratingly lacking.  I waste time on activities that keep me busy, but unfulfilled.  I fail to follow Paul’s instructions which are meant to urge us to remain close to God, to allow God to support and guide us.

I therefore challenge you (and myself) today—turn off all the electronic devices and put down your books and papers.  Spend some time in quiet reflection to renew your walk with God.  Allow his voice to fill your ears with guidance and instruction.  Shine the light in those hidden places of your life that are full of dust or neglect. Surrender yourself to your holy tasks or “calling” just as John did centuries ago. Allow the example of John’s life to help you (and me) to prepare for the Christ Child who is coming soon. God wants us to live in the light and sends His Son to shine the light into the darkness that keeps us apart from Him.  Find some time today to get ready to receive his love.

Dear Father, please forgive us for being such wayward children.  We do not deserve and are unworthy of your love.  But we are so very grateful that you love us anyway.  The gift of your love is so precious and awesome.  Help us to find a way to prepare our hearts for your love.  Help us to invest our energy in ways to draw closer to You, rather than continue to be caught up in superficial holiday busyness.  Come into our hearts, Lord Jesus.  Shine the light and help us to emerge from the darkness of our lives in the world.  AMEN

Chyrl Budd

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