Friday, December 23, 2011

Devotional 12-23-11

“Someone With Skin On”

At the feet of my friend and mentor, Kathy, I learned the practice of looking to the person of Christ in fleshing out emotions and experiences. Kathy taught me to ask “When did Jesus feel this way?” when facing something uncomfortable and to find comfort in the knowledge that He had. For example, “Did Jesus ever feel sad?” He did. See John chapter 11; He cried when his friend died. “Was Jesus ever betrayed by someone He loved?” Yes, and the betrayer’s name was Judas (see Matthew 26).

In this season of Advent, as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth, I am grateful. Grateful for His life and the comfort I find in knowing Jesus experienced many of things I experience. I invite you to read the following story from I love this story because it reminds me that Jesus’ life’s purpose was more than to be our savior, redeemer and ransom. He is our example, our comfort.

A little girl had been tucked in bed one night after the family prayers. It was a stormy night, the lightning flashed across the sky and thunder shook the house. The youngster endured this as long as possible. Then, she scurried to the living room and threw herself into her mother’s arms exclaiming, “I am afraid.” The mother quieted the child as she put her back to bed saying, “Remember, honey, God loves you and He will keep you safe.”

But, no sooner had the mother returned to the front room and seated herself comfortably, than the child appeared in the doorway crying, “Mommy, I’m still afraid.” Mother put the child back to bed telling her, “Honey, you must stay in bed, you are perfectly safe, I told you that God loves you and He will take care of you.” The little girl replied, “I know God loves me mommy, but, when it is thundering and lightning, I want someone with skin on to love me.”

God knows that we, like the little girl in the story, need someone with skin on to love us. Someone to walk like us, talk like us, love like us, hurt like us… to be like us. Jesus came to us. Became flesh. Put on skin. Walked. Talked. Breathed. Healed. Taught. Lived. Died. And loved. Let us also love. Glad tidings to you of comfort, and of joy. Amen.

Marcia Canterbury

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