Wednesday, December 06, 2006

December 6 Devotion

Luke 11:25-32

Today’s scripture from the Book of Luke is one of a group of teachings of Jesus as he travels through the countryside with His disciples. In response to a woman who blesses His mother, Jesus declines the opportunity to place her above others. Instead he states that those who hear the word of God and keep it are the real blessed ones. (This statement of Jesus appears to contrast with modern view of many Christians who exalt Mary over other Christians.) However, the primary emphasis of Jesus’ statement is not to denigrate his mother but to praise those who hear God’s word and believe.

The acceptance of God’s call is a recurrent theme throughout Jesus’ ministry on earth. When he called Simon and Andrew, his brother, “to become fishers of men” they immediately accepted his call and followed him.

What does this call mean to us today? We hear the word of God and by our professions of faith as Christians, and membership in the fellowship of Johnson Memorial, we have kept God’s word. Or have we? Is there more to being a Christian and receiving God’s blessing than the mere profession of faith? Of course, there is more to it than that. James tells us in Chapter 2, verse 17 that “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.”

It seems to me that in order to truly hear and keep God’s word and receive his blessing we must carry out God’s work on earth. I would like to close with a brief writing by St. Teresa of Avila that I think best states (at least for me) our obligation to God:

Christ has
No body on earth but yours;
No hands but yours:
No feet but yours;
Yours are the eyes
Through which is to look out
Christ’s compassion to the world;
Yours are the feet
With which he is to go about
Doing good;
Yours are the hands
With which he is to bless now.
Lee Oxley

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