Thursday, December 19, 2024

Advent Devotional 12-19-24


The Magnificat – MARY’S SONG

Luke 1:39-55

In these verses we read the lyrics to the song Mary sings when she visits her cousin Elizabeth, who has also miraculously has recently become pregnant when past her child bearing years.  Mary’s song is called the Magnificat and is one of the  eight most ancient Christian hymns.  Originally sung as a Gregorian Chant or 5th century plainsong numerous composers have created their own settings of the Magnificat.  There are numerous hymns based on the Magnificat including The United Methodist Hymnal hymn called “My Soul Gives Glory to my God.” 

I have 3 instant reactions when contemplating these verses in Luke.  First that a woman and mother’s song has become one of the most celebrated songs of the Christian faith.  This gives me hope that the female perspective has had a greater impact on Christianity than history often portrays.  The prayers of a woman facing pregnancy and the joy of a woman proclaiming her faith are central to all of Christian faith.

A second thought that struck me was even before Jesus was born Mary understood what his message would be.  She speaks of God and his works and proclaims he has “scattered the proud in their conceit, casting down the mighty from their thrones and lifting up the lowly. You have filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.”   These words are considered so revolutionary in India, Guatemala and Argentina that they banned Mary’s Song during different periods in their history.

The third is that when the mother of Jesus needed to share her joy and faith she did so through music.  Music is the medium where I have most often felt enveloped by the Divine.  Because words are inadequate the emotion of music can create an opening in the heart for us to receive God’s message and feel his love.  Music is frequently referenced in the Bible.  All manner of songs and instruments are mentioned.  Indeed, the whole book of Psalms is a collection of poems and songs meant to be sung.

Psalm 98 exhorts us to “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!” 

So perhaps we can take time this Advent season to reflect on 3 things. 
  1. Think about the joy and hope mixed with sorrow all mothers face when carrying a child.  Mary, so faithful and full of wonder and hope who will soon face hardship and sorrow.  As an unmarried pregnant woman who must give birth in a stable and later watch her son be prosecuted and executed before He arises from the Dead.  How quick are we to judge women who are pregnant or caring for children?  What do we really know about their lives and circumstances?  Have we extended respect and understanding to mothers for their joy and sorrow to come?
  2. While we all try to make our holiday decorations beautiful and to shop for the most perfect present remember Mary’s words and Jesus’s teachings.   We all do not need more things but there are many others who do need even the basic things.  We all could use a helping hand or a kind word or a moment of laughter and so can those around you.  Do we need all those calories so easy to come by at Christmas?  Share it with those in need.
  3. As we hear an endless stream of Christmas music everywhere we go pay special attention to the old carols and hymns.  Think about their words and give yourself over to the music and the message.
Leslie Petteys

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