Filled With Expectation
One of the scripture readings for this week comes from the third chapter of Luke, verses 7 through 18. It is about the actions, dare I say antics, of John the Baptist. He was the poster child for nonconformity. What he wore. What he ate. Calling those who came to hear him and to baptized a brood of vipers. Hmmm – not really how to win friends and influence people. But he spoke truth to power, and it got attention. If you have two coats > give one away. If you collect taxes > only collect what you are supposed to. If you have the power of a soldier or an official > do not abuse that by threat or extortion.
We all have expectations of nearly everyone we encounter: our children, our significant other, our neighbors, co-workers, clerks in stores, waiters and waitresses in restaurants, social media “friends,” other drivers…and the list goes on. We expect ALL of these people to behave, to say and act exactly as we want them to. And when they don’t, we are disappointed. And now, I wonder how many people in the groups I’ve just named expect something from me that I fail miserably to ever provide. Not necessarily a second coat but a kind word, compassion, understanding, a helping hand, a smile…something other than a judgmental look or ‘harumph’ that THEY somehow didn’t measure up. I wonder how often God looks down, watching my day unfold, and posts “SMH” with a face palm emoji.
The passage ends as verse 15 begins, “As the people were filled with expectation…” Even after having been (somewhat) berated, it would seem that they had a moment of reckoning and an equal moment of excitement.
This Christmas season, tiptoe up to the stable and peer in – don’t wake the baby 😉 – expect wonder, expect love, expect forgiveness, expect to be amazed, expect to be changed. May we live into the expectations God has of us.
Merry Christmas,
Steve Matthews
We all have expectations of nearly everyone we encounter: our children, our significant other, our neighbors, co-workers, clerks in stores, waiters and waitresses in restaurants, social media “friends,” other drivers…and the list goes on. We expect ALL of these people to behave, to say and act exactly as we want them to. And when they don’t, we are disappointed. And now, I wonder how many people in the groups I’ve just named expect something from me that I fail miserably to ever provide. Not necessarily a second coat but a kind word, compassion, understanding, a helping hand, a smile…something other than a judgmental look or ‘harumph’ that THEY somehow didn’t measure up. I wonder how often God looks down, watching my day unfold, and posts “SMH” with a face palm emoji.
The passage ends as verse 15 begins, “As the people were filled with expectation…” Even after having been (somewhat) berated, it would seem that they had a moment of reckoning and an equal moment of excitement.
This Christmas season, tiptoe up to the stable and peer in – don’t wake the baby 😉 – expect wonder, expect love, expect forgiveness, expect to be amazed, expect to be changed. May we live into the expectations God has of us.
Merry Christmas,
Steve Matthews
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