Saturday, December 14, 2024

Advent Devotional 12-14-24

 We just had a big snowstorm over several days in Denver - about 2 feet deep when it ended. Things were canceled, much shoveling occurred and, of course, branches came down. I don’t like winter. It makes everything harder. AND colder, which I especially don’t like.  Yet I couldn’t miss the wondrous beauty all around. The moon shining through the bare branches was achingly beautiful. The brightness of everything when the sun came out was so pretty. The blue, blue sky against the dazzling white took my breath away.

I thought I’d be nothing but put out with it all. Instead I found myself praising and thanking God for this amazing world and the gift of the seasons. I WILL be happy when spring returns, but I’m finding so much joy in the beauty of nature at rest; I think I’ll be fine. Christmas will be a blessing once again. 

Jill Henton

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