Monday, November 28, 2016

Devotional 11-28-16

Matthew 3: 1-12

People would pay any amount of money if someone really knew how to tell the future.

I am sure that most of us would be skeptical of anyone who we encounter on a day to day basis that would make that claim.

I wonder what the mood was among John’s disciples after they had heard his word and become baptized at his exhortations. These people were folks that were searching for something that John had connected with when they heard his word.  They did this at some risk of being ostracized and judged by the present religious structure of the day and went to some measure of difficulty to get to where John was preaching.

Now he tells them he is not the One.

I believe the common expression is, “Say what?”

I am sure the inquisitor in all of us would be just as curious as they were.

The best prophets in our Bible are seen in the 21st Century through the rear view mirror of time.   The people who heard John’s message and who waited with anticipation rather than skepticism should be our model for this Advent season.  Faith, I believe, is defined as hope in things not seen.  My hope for you this Advent Season is that each of us finds the hope in that faith throughout the season and new year.
Mike Bowen

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