Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Devotional 12-14-10

Watching the miners being brought out of their cave recently was an emotional experience for me. It went on for hours and continued to be emotional with each person who came from below. What would we be thinking if we had been buried alive for 17 days knowing only that in all probability it would be our grave? Then the wonderful realization that there is hope for seeing our family again, and having time to do the things that are important in our lives. What would you consider to be important? How would you want to live the rest of your life? I keep hearing his voice telling me to LIVE SIMPLY.

So what does that really mean? Defining what I would consider living simply may be very different from what you would consider on your list. For me I think of some small things like avoiding clutter around me, being as healthy as I can by eating healthy food and exercising, keeping Gods world in a way to please him. I would want to keep my activities manageable, and I would also include helping others.

Think about what you would do. Maybe these words written many years ago can help.

Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy lord
Abide in him always, and feed on his word.
Make friends of God’s children, help those who are weak,
Forgetting in nothing his blessings to seek.

As I have thought about this I have come up with three things that I feel can guide me. Take time to remember who I am, take time to be a friend in a way they (friends) will know that I care about who they are, take time to praise God for who he is.

Marilyn Holleron

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