Friday, December 16, 2005

December 17 Devotion

Read Psalm 125

As I think of the advent season, I am reminded of the Real Reason for the Season -- JESUS!!

JESUS is the reason we celebrate Christmas. If He had not been born the world would have been in utter despair. How awful that would have been. But thanks be to GOD that he sent his own son to die for our sins and give us eternal life. All we have to do is know him, and ask him to come into our heart and deliver us, show us the way; the truth and the light.

When you do bring him into your heart you will experience love like no other. After you do this, Oh, what a feeling of unconditional love from a friend who will never leave you, JESUS!!!!!! Just let go and let God take over and guide you to do his will.

During this holiday season, try not to get caught up in all the rush of shopping, decorating and all the other stuff. Don't miss the real reason of the season…JESUS!!

There is one hymn that I think sums it up for me, and I get teary eyed every time we sing it and light the candles on Christmas Eve in the sanctuary. "SILENT NIGHT." Just think about the words and apply them to Jesus. If you put your trust in Him you can have silent nights, calm bright days, by focusing on the "holy infant so tender and mild who sleeps in heavenly peace."

Remember, Jesus is the son of God whose "loves pure light" that can give you the "radiant beams" of the Holy Spirit when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Just accept the redeeming grace for God and pass the light on to others so that they can share in the love of Jesus through this Christmas season.

Let us pray,

Dear Lord, we praise you for all that you do for us. Help us to know what you would have us to do for others during this advent season. Just let us feel the love of Jesus in our hearts so that we may pass it onto the others in our church, in our families and in our community. Guide us to do your work this holiday season and direct all of us to follow the light throughout the coming year and treat our fellow man the way you would have us to. Amen

Let your Light Shine
Melanie Herr

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