Friday, December 09, 2022

Devotional 12-9-22

A Season of Waiting, Hope and Preparation 
When I was pregnant with my first child (and past my due date), I can remember telling my husband that my brain knew that I would have this baby, but in my heart I felt like I would be pregnant forever! It was my new normal! I think that is in some small way how the Jewish people of Jesus’ time must have felt. They believed that their savior was coming, but they had been waiting for a very, very, long time. Just hoping was normal. Is it any wonder that many had trouble believing he had finally arrived? Add to that, he was a very different savior than they expected. Even John the Baptist, while in prison, questioned whether Jesus was their long awaited savior! (Mathew 11:2-6) 

Ours is a different problem. We know that our savior has arrived. We know when we will celebrate his birth. Advertisers won’t let us forget how many shopping days until Christmas! There are parties and family gatherings to attend, cookies to be made, presents to be bought and wrapped, and a special meal to prepare. It can all be overwhelming if we allow it. The difficulty we face is taking the time to prepare our minds and hearts to truly feel and celebrate the miracle of our Savior’s birth. 

Prayer: Loving God, please calm our hearts and minds. Open us up to the miracle of your love for us as we contemplate the wonder of a child born of a virgin, sent by you to redeem the world!

Margaret Williams 

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