Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Devotional 12-18-12


Recently, a little calico kitten appeared in our yard. It would have nothing to do with us for it was wild. It also was very thin and I began feeding it and it became friendly. What should I do next? We did not want to keep it. So I made an effort to get it adopted. Finally, I found a loving home for the kitten, and I feel so much better! The owner even sent me pictures so I could see how “Cali” was getting along.

While thinking about the stray kitten, I remarked to my husband that I thought that animal life is sacred, that of cats and dogs, too. Joe looked a bit surprised but agreed and reminded me that “Schweitzer believed in reverence for all of life.” Yes, and I remembered, too, that he let chickens run loose and in and out of the hospital where he worked!

Let us remember this holy season that all life is from God, who made it and found it good. (Gen. 1:25) Jesus said that God cares about the lilies in the field and about every sparrow that falls to the ground, and that he cares much more about you. (Matt. 6:28-30; Luke 12:6-7)

At Advent, many of us have crèche’s. We remember that when Jesus was born, he was surrounded by livestock. Around the manger, we may see cows, lambs, camels, donkeys, goats, and chickens worshiping him.

“The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes,
I love thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky
And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh…”

During this Advent , may we all seek “to love Him more dearly and follow Him more nearly” and rejoice with all creation for God’s “unspeakable gift”.

Martha Casey

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