Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Devotional 12-3-08


She walked up to our booth and examined the wood crafts that my husband Don had created in the months prior to the fair. On the small wood ornament were the words Merry Xmas! in big red letters. The shopper threw the decoration on the table, threw her nose up in the air, and threw my husband and me for a loop. We finally understood her anger when she muttered, “I can’t stand it when people cross Christ out of Christmas.”

Being a teacher/ know-it-all/ fixer, I started to rise when I felt Don’s hand on my arm. “Let it go. She doesn’t know what it means, and you won’t change her mind.”

I stayed in my seat, but in my head I was following her down the aisle, explaining in my most patient voice that X – as – chi was associated with Christ even in ancient times. It was used in the acronym IXΘYΣ – ichthys – and in Christian churches today we may see the Chi-Rho symbol.

Don had not crossed Christ out of Christmas. But later, when I recalled the incident, I did wonder if I had been crossing Him out little by little, day by day. How many years had I been so busy getting ready for Christmas that I had missed it altogether?

So how can I keep Christ in my life when I am so concerned with gift giving, tree trimming, house decorating, and cookie baking? In today’s high-tech world, I could Google “keeping Christ in Christmas” and choose from the many lists that others have already prepared, but I don’t think I need to go to the world wide web. I need to go to my Heavenly Father in prayer. I hope that you will join me.

Heavenly Father, I am so blessed to be Your child. Please help me to remember that Christmas is Your son’s birthday, and when I help others in need, I am giving Him exactly what He’s always wanted. Amen

Merry Xmas!
Becky Warren

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