Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day Devotional

What will we do with him? How are we going to take care of him? These thoughts ran through Maria's mind as she dressed her newborn for the trip home. Snow had already begun to fall outside and the air was cold and crisp - it would be a challenge to keep the baby warm under conditions like this. Maria's husband, Joe had gone to get the car so that they could begin the trip home. As Maria bundled up the little squirming bundle and began buckling him into his car seat, a nurse came into the room with a wheelchair.

"You all ready honey?" she asked trying to be sure the baby was secure in his seat.

"I think so. We have really appreciated all the help you have given us along the way. I just hope we can do all the things you've shown us."

"You'll be fine. And just remember, if you need anything all you have to do is call. Now - let's get you home before the big snow storm comes."

The trip home was one filled with silence and tension. There was not a sound in the car except the baby's coos and gurgles every once in a while. The snow was beginning to fall harder now and the streets were beginning to be covered with a white carpet. The car turned into a little driveway outside a run down house. Joe helped Maria out of the car and got in the back seat to get the baby.

Everything looked so new and different to her. Someone had put a wreath on their front door and there were lights around the window. Seeing the new decorations, Maria was reminded what day it was - it was Christmas Eve. A little knot built up inside her stomach as she remembered how special Christmas had been when she grew up. All holidays, but especially Christmas were filled with joy and laughter, food and family. There was always a huge feast created by the entire family. Maria's favorite was her aunt's red raspberry cream pie that was always made especially for her, or so she thought.

A tear ran down her cheek as she was also reminded that this year was going to be vastly different from any Christmas before. Her family did not approve of her marriage to Joe - they thought the couple was entirely too young. And when the news came of her pregnancy, the hostility toward the young newlyweds grew even worse.

Maria opened the door into the small home and was met with a warm burst of air. Joe was close behind her with the infant carrier in his hand. She looked around the room and saw a small Christmas tree over in the corner and stockings over a makeshift fireplace. "It's beautiful," she said.

"Yeah, I thought we needed something to bring this little tyke home to. After all, he can't have his first Christmas without a tree and all the trimmings."

The little family sat in the living room for what seemed like the longest time. They watched the lights on the tree blink on and off. Joe cooked Maria dinner - a humble meal from the freezer to the microwave. The baby was changed and fed without any trouble and then he was laid down for the night. Maria drifted off to sleep as Joseph stayed up to ready things for the next day.

It was mid-morning when Maria got out of bed for the day. The first night at home went rather well ... only two feedings throughout the night. She looked around the bedroom and began to get up and ready for the day. As she did, she noticed the aroma that filled the air ... it was ham ... and potatoes ... and ... was it? Yes, raspberry cream pie!! She also heard voices downstairs. What was going on? Who was here?

She quickly got dressed ... and ran to the living room to see it packed with people ... relatives! Her parents were there ... her aunt was there ... her brother and sisters were there! It was just like all her other Christmases ... only different. Everyone seemed to be around some focal point in the room. In a rocking chair sat Maria's grandmother ... with her great grandson in her arms. She was rocking him and telling him stories. Stories that Maria remembered from when she was a child.

Maria's heart was filled with joy, happiness and love as she looked around the room. Her eyes lay upon Joe as he readied the table for the Christmas dinner. "Thank you, honey," she said giving him a hug, "having my family here means more than you'll ever know."

"They wanted to come. They wanted to see the baby," Joe laid the final napkin on the table. Now everything was perfect. The family had crossed through their differences to be together on this Christmas Day. All because a new child had come into the world.

From the time Jesus was brought into the world ... people have been gathering together to see him in their midst. We share around the table in the name of Jesus. We bury old grudges in the name of Jesus. And we restore relationships in the name of Jesus. On this very special day in the life of our church and family, let us pause and give thanks for this little baby…the Christ Child that has come into our midst to make us new.

"And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father's only son, full of grace and truth."

Rev. Carol McKay

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Note from Kim: One of the subscribers to the Advent Devotional email list, David, passed away on Christmas Eve. Please say a special Christmas prayer for his family and friends, and lift them up to God.

I hope each one of you has a wonderful Christmas. Thank you so much for sharing our devotional with us. May God bless you throughout 2006.

Grace and peace,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always a day late and a dollar short; this time 2 days late....but I just read your Christmas Day devotion, Carol, and it was beautiful. Having a grandchild present on Christmas Day was such a wonderful miracle for my family.