Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Devotional 1-3-08

As 2007 ends and the New Year has begun and all the Christmas decorations and gifts have been packed away, we can relax in our warm homes with the love of God and family surrounding us.

Have you ever thought of the workers who were not able to be home for the holiday? Some of them work on the towboats on the inland waterways. Their work makes it possible for the coal, oil, gas, and other freight to be transported for our convenience. These men and women work 30 days at a time 12 hour shifts, in all types of weather. There work takes them far from their homes and not able to enjoy the holidays. They may even miss many important family events.

These persons have a support system that Johnson Memorial U.M.C. has been involved in for several years. This is the Seamen’s Church Institute’s program, Ministry on the River and the program Christmas on the River.

Every year we pack gift boxes for each boat. The boxes consist of devotional material, hand knitted scarves, and this year we added other small gifts for them. The outpouring of gifts from the congregation has sent the message that they are not forgotten and that God loves them.

This ministry is near and dear to our family’s heart, as we know first hand how hard it is for the towboat workers to be away from home. My father, Steele Fisher, was a crewmember until the day he died suddenly in 1976. A while back I met two men who were delivering supplies for us to pack. They had known my father which brought this mission project so much closer to my heart, knowing we were able to touch others who had known him.

Fred and I enjoy being involved in this Ministry, and appreciate all those who have participated in this ministry by providing gifts and packing the boxes to nearly 300 crew members. This act of caring let’s them know they are loved and not forgotten during Christmas.

Christmas is not a time or a season, but a state of mind.
To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
If we think over these things, where will be born in us a Savior and over us will shine a star sending its gleam of home to the world.
--Calvin Coolidge

Melanie Herr

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