Monday, December 04, 2023

Devotion - December 4, 2023


When I was a little girl our family went to Camden Park once every summer. It was a big deal! My brother and sisters all knew when the trip was planned. Mom and Dad didn’t tell me until we were almost ready to walk out the door because I would get so excited I would make myself sick! Obviously I was not good at waiting as a child. I matured and got better at waiting. As an Air Force wife, I didn’t have a lot of choice! Life taught me how to wait.

We think of waiting at Advent as a time of excitement and hope. But it can also be filled with sadness, fear and anxiety. It is easy to get discouraged when there seems to be no end in sight. When we don’t know what, when or if something is going to happen, it’s not hard to lose hope as Zechariah and Elizabeth did. They thought their chance to have a child had passed.
They had given up and lost hope. God had a wonderful surprise for them in their old age, a child, who would prepare the way for the long awaited savior.

I have been thinking about all of the periods of waiting in my life. Some were hard, filled with anxiety. Others were times of excitement and anticipation. No matter what, there was always hope. I thank God for that.

Advent is a time of waiting. Waiting is hard whether it is filled with anxiety or excitement. It is especially difficult when it is filled with fear for what the future holds. I use a New International Life Application Bible. In the notes section for Isaiah 40: 1,2 it says “Seeds of comfort may take root in adversity. When your life seems to be falling apart, ask God to comfort you. You can’t escape adversity, but you may find God’s comfort as you face it.” That has certainly proved true for me! God promises to be there holding our hand as we wait, giving us the strength, comfort, and the peace we need. Reach out and take His hand. God has a good plan for you. He might even have a wonderful surprise just as He did for Zechariah and Elizabeth.

Margaret Williams

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