Sunday, November 27, 2022

Devotional 11-27-22

 Psalm 122, v 1:  I rejoice with those who said to me,   “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

When Kim asked for writers for the Advent Devotionals I was happy to volunteer.

I love the Advent season and all the joy I have experienced at this time of the year. When she sent me the date I would be writing for and the readings to choose from I was even happier.

November 27th is my parents wedding anniversary. It seems appropriate that my devotion is on the day my sister and brother and I celebrate the people who first took us to the house of the Lord.

Our Christmases weren’t always filled with the Hallmark moments we see on TV, but we always had good food, lots of laughing and some off key singing. We were happy to be together.

Johnson Memorial is that kind of family. We’ve had some difficult Christmases in the past few years, fire, water damage, Covid, but we rejoice when we can be together in the house of the Lord. Our Common Grounds folks have mentioned how happy they are to be back inside the church.

We can’t always be together but we can always be together in spirit and read the text and sing the songs that bring us back to the manger.

This Advent I’m happy that I will be with the ones I love and worshipping the Holy Child who brought Love to all the world, forever and ever.


Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for sharing your son with us and giving us an example of how to love without ceasing.

Debbie McGinnis

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