Monday, November 28, 2011

Devotional 11-28-11

Please read Isaiah 40:1-11

When you think that nothing is going the way it should and everything is falling apart, don't forget to call on God for comfort. You can feel the comfort of the Lord during inescapable times when you cannot face it alone. We must remember that someday, we do not know when, we will be with God, the great comforter. Appreciate the comfort and encouragement found in His word, His Presence and His people.

In our lives we experience trials and sufferings that we must go to the Lord for comfort to remove the obstacles so that we prepare for the coming of the Lord. We must have faith that will carry us through lives experiences that all of us, at one time or another must experience as we grow stronger in our walk with Him.

We are like grass and flowers that wither away. People are mortal, but God’s work is eternal and unfailing. Public opinions changes and is unreliable, but God's word is constant. We will find lasting solutions to our problems and needs by turning to God's eternal word.

The gentle shepherd takes care in guiding his flock throughout their lives. He is caring for the most defenseless member of his society, the children and their caretakers. Thus, the one that relies on God's caring strength is more powerful than the nation with a strong military.

In preparation for this advent season, we all must keep focus on the coming of Jesus. We must get ourselves prepared by removing all the obstacles that get in the way; for us to remember that the real reason for the season, Jesus, the gentle shepherd, the comforter, and the eternal one.

Please pray,

Dear Lord,

We call on you for comfort when we need you.
We call on you for support during life time trials.
We call on you to help us prepare the way for your coming.

You call for us to follow you.
You call us to shout for you.
You call us to not be afraid.
You call for us to believe; to trust; and have faith that you will come to save us.
Your love will carry us through this advent season as we put our trust in you.

Melanie Herr

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